Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Magazine review #4

People 3/14/11 with Mr. Duh Winning on the cover

A reader writes in the MailBag that she is disappointed that People included "the phrase WTF in the Jennifer Aniston interview." The reader states that "her use of the vulgar term desensitizes a violent word and sets a poor example for our children." I am sorry, Elizabeth Myers from Westminster MD, but JA has no obligation whatsoever to set any examples for "our children". That is the job of parents. And since when is "fuck" a violent word? Get over yourself and police your kids.

There is yet another ad for a new tennis/exercise/running shoe called REEZIG. Its tagline is "more energy." Reebok says, "Try the shoe with the energy boost. Its unique low profile sole is designed to transfer each step into a wave of energy." Really. So all I have to do is wear a pair of shoes for more energy? Couldn't I just wear any low-soled shoe and get the same benefit? I call bull$hit. And hooking the naive and uninformed consumer. Boo Reebok.

There is a little snippet catching up with the Bee Girl from the Blind Melon video, No Rain. I remember hearing that song and seeing its video for the first time and loving it and thinking the Bee Girl was so cute and carefree. It is neat to see her grownup. She doesn't have the costume because it is hanging in a Hard Rock cafe somewhere!

Okay, this is the Oscar recap issue so this is for Jenny- I knew Bale and Firth would win, I suspected Portman would, and I really wasn't sure about Melissa Leo's chances. I loved these dresses- Natalie, Jennifer Lawrence, Michelle Williams, Hilary Swank, Mila Kunis, Cate, Amy Adams, Hayley Steinfeld. I did not like- Claire Danes, Penelope, Nicole, Scarlett, Marisa Tomei, J. Hud, Sandra. I thought Helena BC looked great for her- she wasn't wacky like she usually is. I thought Anne Hathaway was a little too excited and giddy and that Franco was off beat but not horrible and certainly not stoned- I think he is just too busy and was super tired. Oh yeah- one more outfit that was absolutely HORRID- Madonna. No one wants to see your 50 year old ass, no matter how toned it is.

People 3/21/11 with Mr. Tiger blood and his sons on the cover

There is a picture of Taylor Momsen in the StarTracks. She is wearing a Tshirt, no bottoms, thigh high stockings with a garter on one leg, and multi-buckle, knee high platform boots. Oh yeah, and one of the stockings has a hole. I wore stuff my mom didn't like when I was a teenager, like shirts with buttons safety pinned on (I did not and still do not like to sew) and shoes she thought were not fit for public viewing. And my mother would not let me wear black pants because they were, in her opinion, too mature. I have to wonder what Taylor's mom and dad think about her clothing choices? Granted, she is a celebrity and in a rock band, however, if she were my star singer daughter, she would have to wear decent clothes in public. She is 17, for crying out loud!!

In the music section, we find ourselves "Catching up with Trent Reznor"- he has won an Oscar (Cool!!), is scoring the American version of Girl with a Dragon Tattoo (Cool!!), and says he will monitor, when the time comes, his baby son's music choices, including the NIN song Closer. "I want to F@#K you like an animal!!!!!" Maybe he could change the lyrics to "I want to tuck you into bed!"

There has been so much Charlie Sheen stuff lately, including in this issue. I will just say that I feel sorry for his sons and his daughters. I miss the Charlie from Platoon and Ferris Bueller. I am grossed out that he has 2 girlfriends. I think he is nuts. I think that he is actually, duh, losing. He just doesn't realize it and when he does it will be too late. It is already too late for 4 of his 5 children to ever have a normal remembrance of their dad.

There is a story about Michael Flatley (Lord of the Dance) and his huge-ass castle-home in Ireland. The place is 40,000 square feet, has a bar, a screening room, a 6,000 book library, 16 suites, a whiskey room, and wine cellars. I guarantee a reader will write in and get his/her letter published in the MailBag, complaining how over-the-top, garish, inappropriate, and greedy Mr. Flatley is for owning this "home" and how the money he spent on his palace should have been donated to charity instead. And I can guarantee I will disagree with the writer. Good for him, I say. He earned the money and should be able to spend it as he pleases.

The last page of People for a while has been to feature a celebrity and have them tell us "5 Facts About Me." Amanda Seyfried states she was "in the IN crowd but I was the outcast, the loser of the crowd." While that may be true, I have a hard time believing most of these stars who say they were "ugly", "nerds", "losers", or "wallflowers." Be honest! Tell us you were popular, attractive, talented! Even the loser of the in crowd is in.

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