Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Magazine review

I read trashy celeb magazines- I admit it. I usually look at the pictures and read small articles and sometimes read the cover articles, if they interest me. Most of the time, I find some comment from a celebrity or reader (who has sent in a comment) that irritates me. So, I am going to start reviewing my magazines and write about the irksome crap I read.

People Magazine November 22, 2010 issue with Kim Kardashian on the cover-

The MailBag has a letter from a woman who complains that People mentioned the deaths of Tom Bosley (Mr. C.) and Barbara Billingsley (June Cleaver) with only a few words in the Passages section. She states, "...all you could muster by way of a tribute was a hundred or so words combined for these two television icons... People, I am disappointed with you." She goes on to bitch about the amount of space the mag gives to the "latest trivial celebrity breakup."

While I agree, even as a frequent reader of the mags, that we as a culture spend too much time worrying about which star is breaking up with whichever other star, these magazines would not sell as many issues if Tom Bosley was on the cover. Happy Days and Leave It to Beaver have not been relevant for decades. Many of the mag's readers may not even know who the Beav's mom is. People Magazine respected the deaths of these 2 definite TV icons by devoting space, albeit small, to their passings. People owes them no more.

Would it have been bad to do a 1-2 page article on their careers? No. Is the magazine required to do a 10 page spread on every old-time celebrity who dies? No. Jill Clayburgh got a 1 page article in this issue because she was on a current TV show. If Tom Selleck died, he would get more of a mention because he is from more recent TV history and also has a current show. If Angelina Jolie died, she would be on the cover of every magazine because she is relevant now. Is this fair? Maybe not but that's how magazines sell- Americans want what is current and with our short attention spans, stars have to fight to stay in the limelight. I mourn the passing of 2 of televisions greatest parents and think People gave them the respect they deserved.


There is a 2 page ad for "Oprah's Ultimate Favorite Things" in which she is shown as a skinny version of herself. Not that I care what Oprah weighs or how she looks but I am left to wonder: Is being skinny one of her ultimate favorite things?


Apparently, there is a new reality show (really?!?!?!?!?! There are so few of them!!! Snark.) called BRIDALPLASTY (The only competition where the winner gets cut). Hunh. Is that so. The picture shows a bride holding a bouquet of syringes, scalpels, and surgical instruments. I am... I don't know... how am I supposed to feel about this? The tag line is "Before the winner walks down the aisle-- She'll go under the knife." What??? Appalling. Horrible. All 12 women are pretty. Why would they do this? Well, because they want to. They want that instant fame that comes these days from being on shows like this. Seriously, Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino stands to make millions from endorsement deals and made $100,000 for dancing on TV for 4 weeks. What was he doing before? Working at a regular job making not millions of dollars. So I guess it goes back to what I said earlier about being current in the public eye. Whatever it takes to be seen, noticed, paid to do crazy things like get a nose job or brow lift before your wedding. Who am I to judge?


Kat Von D. Don't like her, which is beside the point. She has a new book out called The Tattoo Chronicles. I won't be reading it. When asked about the past year with Jesse James, the cheating idiot ex of Sandra Bullock, she says, "That will probably be the Tattoo Chronicles II. But if you want to ask me about my personal life, you're going to hear crickets." I am all for celebrities keeping their personal lives personal, but this woman has chosen to be in the public eye, flaunting a relationship with a guy barely divorced (who was supposedly devastated by his breakup). She says she will address it in the next book but won't answer an interviewer's questions? Whatever. That is her right. It just seems hypocritical to me.

The Palins Get Real

"I never planned on being the mother of a son with special needs. I thought, God will never give me something I can't handle". Sarah Palin. Wow, most people with special needs children didn't plan on it unless they are those few amazing people who willingly adopt special needs kids. Maybe, at the age of 40-something, as the governor of a state, as the mother of 4 other children, you should have planned on using birth control. Just my opinion. And I won't refudiate it.


That's it for this week. Tune in next week for more important analysis of movie star memoirs, reader mail rants, and reality show reality.